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I need to quickly replace my Beyer M130 & M160 ribbon mics
(don't ask, just imagine why they need replacing)
anyhow i've never realized how difficult they are to track down

Does Full Compass ship to canada? (425$ each)
any other suggestions for good places to order these mics?


MadMax Sun, 02/12/2006 - 15:12

Try Fletcher over at [url=(dead link removed) Audio[/url]. You'll want to call them. (508-543-0069) I got my Beyer's from them a couple of years ago, but they aren't listed anywhere on the site and the search engine didn't turn any results.

Maybe they aren't a Beyer deaaler anymore... dunno.

Good luck!!

BTW... I really don't wanna think about what happened, man. I just hope that either insurance or the client's gonna pay for the replacements... either way it sux!

On a similar note; I had my Royer SF12 come back from a rental... client (a GOOD friend) calls me from the venue and tells me the mic is dead... Evidently the client before him killed it and didn't bother to tell me. Royer repaired the mic w/o any hassle, or charge other than shipping. Any chance the Beyer's could be repaired?


Cucco Mon, 02/13/2006 - 07:16

redbort wrote: FC doesn't ship to canada.....
neither will (only .ca)
mercenary audio doesn't distribute anymore
and beyer told me to buy them from a music store (steves music)
(that sell them for over 1000$ canadian, which is rediculous)

anyone know of a small online store that sells em?

Sweetwater sells them. They'll also repair them too.


redbort Mon, 02/13/2006 - 11:29

Sweetwater won't ship to me either....
it's not a Canada problem, but because I'm in the province of Quebec
same thing for and, and even
(no wonder i've avoided these corporate places like the plague)
apperantly small places arn't supposed to do it either
but since they're small, they're allowed to bend the rules...
anyone know a small dealer who would be glad for a new costumer?

Cucco Mon, 02/13/2006 - 11:36

redbort wrote: Sweetwater won't ship to me either....
it's not a Canada problem, but because I'm in the province of Quebec
same thing for and, and even
(no wonder i've avoided these corporate places like the plague)
apperantly small places arn't supposed to do it either
but since they're small, they're allowed to bend the rules...
anyone know a small dealer who would be glad for a new costumer?


Is it cuz you guys are in cahoots with the French??? You know the US doesn't like those frenchies! That's why we have freedom fries and freedom-cut bikinis. That's why I play the Freedom horn!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously - if you need them that bad, call Craig Wilson at Sweetwater. Have him ship them to me and call me up and give me $$ for shipping. I'll send them to you. I have no problem with Mexico north, not even the French speaking parts.... :lol:

If this would work - contact me offline - I'll make all the arrangements.

J. 8-)

MadMax Mon, 02/13/2006 - 17:01

Cucco wrote: Seriously - if you need them that bad, call Craig Wilson at Sweetwater. Have him ship them to me and call me up and give me $$ for shipping. I'll send them to you. I have no problem with Mexico north, not even the French speaking parts.... :lol:

If this would work - contact me offline - I'll make all the arrangements.

J. 8-)

Now THAT's what I call a community at work!


Hey, J., if yer' EVER down this way an' in need, gimme's a shout dude! I'll do what I can. What goes around... comes around... even if it is a hook-up for a brother in Mexico North! 8-)


redbort Wed, 02/15/2006 - 07:55

i got my fix at
thanks for the offer....

what is the etiquette for helping folks out around here?
i know i would help someone if i could
but for some people a MB reputation is hardly worth 800$
and you don't know my face, so you could sleep at night...
i guess i'd trust Kurt Foster, cause that's his real name and all....
this topic needs a new thead


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