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Hello all i'm gearing up a personal 'project studio' and currently using a cheap set of apex mics and a ShureSM57 (which i'm not a big fan of for recording guitar parts on next to even the cheap condensers) but any who i was wondering of some GOOD mics to invest in (no specific price range/purpose) so if you could leave a suggestion and a small description of why you suggest such a mic and for what you suggest such a mic for.

Thanks, with peace and love!

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nosoupforyou Sun, 11/30/2008 - 00:27

To be more specific.... any mic for any use.... building a collection here not for a particular purpose.... if you have experience with any mics let me know how they were for what you used them for??? ha ha however if it helps guitar bass/ any string really, horns and vocals are my top priority drum mics are a close second of interest.

MadMax Sun, 11/30/2008 - 15:20

Brauner, DPA, Earthworks, Peluso, Neumann and Royer are the short list I'd suggest.

Great quality mic's get you a better shot at getting a good sound. No guarantee, but better odds... and that goes for any source on just about any of the mic's.

Probably the most useful, all around mic that I could track and entire album on....

a handful of SM57's


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