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Not sure what the difference is between the AKG C414 B-XLS, B-ULS, TLII and so on. Could someone please enlighten me. I used a C414 in a studio last month and loved how it worked with my vocals.



bradb Fri, 01/14/2005 - 06:28

Get ready for one of the biggest agonies of mic purchases. I wanted 2 c414s for overheads and by gum the differences are so slight.

basically the XLIIs and TLIIs have a presence peak at 6K, this is supposedly for vocal use. But I think these mics are a little dark, so i welcomed this. Check out for samples of the TLII and ULS, theyre pretty much the same thing.

Now, (and ive been meaning to post this) I went to the Jazz at Lincoln Center Coca Cola Dizzy's club on wednesday. Basically this is a small jazz club and they were using TLIIs all over the place. 2 on the piano and 1 for each horn. Sounded fine...

So... bottom line, i wouldn't say there is MUCH difference between the two, other than the ULS has a transformer. Listen to the samples at and make up your own mind.
