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I'm finally on my way to setting up a studio of my own, and have been shopping around for components, and I'm curious as to what the wonderful folk of this forum would consider their ideal set-up. The only limitation? Everything possible must be analog. Maybe it's my history in live sound, or my aversion to learning Mac, but let's see what you folk can do with this. Run wild.


Guest Sun, 05/30/2004 - 22:51

I had the MS16 way back when I had my first studio (I am setting it back up again but totally different equipment).

It was a great machine. Never any problems. Very quite and smooth. I never needed to align it but it had mild use.

I sold it over 13 years ago (yes I haven't had astudio for that long and it was killing me....but now...lookout!)

I spoke to the new owner last night. He has been using it for day in and day out for all those years running hi studio (the guy gets a fantastic drum sound). He still loves it and only now is he ready to go digital.

I have used 2" 16 track and the MS16 is nothing like it but its much more reliable.

If you are just needing something for demos and want to work fast I would go for an MS16 only if you can get it for $500.00, or else I would go for a HD24 as they are going for about $1200.00 to $1500.00 new!
The HD24 operates like a tape deck. y experience it sounds much better than a MS16. Now if you get a good condition Studer 2" 16 or an Ampex then thats another story! I have a friend's MM1000 if you really want vintage!

I love analog too but lately digital is getting damn good (more than I need and I consider myself reasonably fussy..but the song and musicianship comes first).

You can do what some people are doing to get the best of both worlds. Get a 1/4" or 1/2" 2 track for mixdown!

Don't forget tape is also very expensive! (2" that is)

Good luck with your studio (I'm redoing mine too)



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