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I recently purchased the AVP-1 made by Antares.

I'm having a lot of trouble using it with my mixing board. Sometimes the sound quality is nice, sometimes it's insane.

I just tried the free plugin download off of the Antares website.

The plugin is great! I had no problems whatsoever.

Can anybody tell me the difference between the hardware and the software, because now I think I'd rather have the software?

Also, if you look on Guitar Center's website, there are 2 versions of Autotune for sale. One is $149.99 and the other is $519.99.

What is the difference between these 2 different versions of the software? Does the more expensive one have more mic modeling features and effects?

Thank you for your time,


anonymous Wed, 08/13/2008 - 11:18



How am I supposed to know that I shouldn't multi-post?

Am I Jesus?

I mean, I try to exemplify the role of Christ at all times, but I didn't know that people would get so mad at me for posting a question in an internet forum created for posting questions.

You alright?

Love you,

Space Wed, 08/13/2008 - 18:29

RZ I am getting a picture of a simple minded mouth breathing knuckle dragging knucklehead who has but one desire and that is to start trouble.

I'm getting an image of a face...not really fuzzy, more like peach fuzz.

Go home son. Learn to read and follow just a few simple guidelines to better interact with a International population.

Your antics are void of any use.

anonymous Wed, 08/13/2008 - 18:48


I seriously feel hurt and am really scared.

I am not trying to start trouble.

I simply asked a question. Isn't what this place is for?

Think you have it the other way around:



You ain't my Daddy."

Sounds like trouble to me, daddy.

Hope we can be friends sometime in the near future.

Let's kiss,

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