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Just goofing around singing The Beatles ...


Attached files Yes It Is.mp3 (4.6 MB) 

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kevinwhitect Wed, 01/04/2017 - 05:19

DogsoverLava, post: 446276, member: 48175 wrote: I'd slightly change the delay on the guitar -- either less wet or less wet and give it a softer tail - the tail seem truncated and comes off like a punch. It's cool though as a fun song.

What? Make it sound like a real guitar?

I had to talk JJ out of backwards guitars.


kevinwhitect Wed, 01/04/2017 - 17:40

pcrecord, post: 446307, member: 46460 wrote: I think Dog is bothered by the slapback effect we here after each guitar strum. It could be a too long pre-delay on the reverb or a real wall slapback, only you can tell
If that delay would be shorter, it would go unnoticed and less disturbing..

Love the harmony arrangement !

Thanks M!

I kind of like the wash of the weird guitar.

I did seriously have to talk others out of making it weirder. :D


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