Your Avatar Submitted by The Great Fall on Sun, 04/21/2024 - 14:50 Critique this mixing/song Audio Play brandy.mp3 Tags mix critique Log in or register to post comments Comments Your Avatar Samplitude audiokid As always, nice playing and… As always, nice playing and programming. I don't care for your snare sound that much as it is a bit tinny / metallic sounding to me but other than that, well done. Log in or register to post comments Mon, 04/22/2024 - 08:32 Permalink
Your Avatar Samplitude audiokid As always, nice playing and… As always, nice playing and programming. I don't care for your snare sound that much as it is a bit tinny / metallic sounding to me but other than that, well done. Log in or register to post comments Mon, 04/22/2024 - 08:32 Permalink
As always, nice playing and…
As always, nice playing and programming. I don't care for your snare sound that much as it is a bit tinny / metallic sounding to me but other than that, well done.