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I want to build my own mic-splitter-multicore.
I have some high quality split-transformers (Mu-metal shielded…), but I’m unsure about some details:
1. Can the transormer suffer from phantom-power being fed from any of the consoles (accidently on the split-side and of course from the main desk)?
2. Shall I mount the transformers in 90 degree-angles to prevent crosstalk?
Any idea how to do that (transformers are to be print-mounted) if necessary?
3. Jensen recommends damping transistors (2,7k) on the split-outputs to prevent undamped resonances when those lines are unused. Is this a good idea?
4. Jensen recommends an RF-network on each input and output, consisting of an 51 Ohm resistor and a 10 nF capacitor. Is this needed and does it have to be “tuned” to fit the transformers?
5. The transformers I use have only one connection for the shield – is it a problem to keep the ground “lifted” from the split-outputs?

Furthermore I need an idea what rackmount stagebox to use, that has enough space to fit the transformers in there.

Any other tipps, thoughts to consider are very welcome!

If interested: The data of the transformers I use can be found here:…"]Data[/]="…"]Data[/]

Thanks, Christof
