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Adding memory to a Lexicon PCM-80

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Submitted by redrabbit on

I've searched, and cannot find the process to expand the memory to this unit. The manual tells me what exact kind of SIMM modules are needed, and then says:

Expanded memory is automatically detected by the PCM 80. The presence of

additional memory will initiate internal power up testing which is longer than the

unexpanded PCM 80 time period.

Safety issues and various agency approvals mandate that memory expansion

be performed only by qualified service personnel. Instructions for performing

this procedure are, therefore, available only in Lexicon's PCM 80 Service


Has anyone done this. or can you direct me to a service tech in the Los Angeles area?

I'm pretty sure I can replace or add some chips/modules myself. I'm an antistatic kinda guy. 8)




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Hints from the Lexicon Kowledge Base tell me:

*I need to use "true parity" chips (it's rare if they're not)....

*They need to be installed in matching pairs...

*And , move a jumper from "256k to EXT".

...that info seems to have been provided because of problems arising from when people try it themselves , without any instructions from Lexicon...... Makes me wonder if NOT telling us how to do it - is creating just as many issues as TELLING us how. :?

Any experienced upgraders out there?


Wed, 02/16/2005 - 08:22 Permalink
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I started this one, so I'll end it, for archive's sake.

A tech told me the hardest thing is finding those 4meg 9bit SIMM (x2)modules. I'm getting them at :

The rest is how I said above. Once the unit is open, unscrew the second inversed board, pull straight up, you'll see two empty slots. Insert modules. Near those is the jumper that needs changing. Be static free!!.

Replace board and cover and power up.

If you don't see me post back here in a week, everything worked ok.


Fri, 02/18/2005 - 00:49 Permalink