anonymous 30 July 2003 Hey Seb, forgive my ignorance. Is "Valve" a buzz word for channel or does it actually define a tech term? Log in or register to post comments Tags valve tube Comments Hey Chris, Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tu anonymous Wed, 07/30/2003 - 16:41 Hey Chris, Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tube. Cheers, David Log in or register to post comments
Hey Chris, Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tu anonymous Wed, 07/30/2003 - 16:41 Hey Chris, Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tube. Cheers, David Log in or register to post comments
Hey Chris, Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tu
Hey Chris,
Jumping right in, "valve" is the British term for tube. Cheers, David