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hey all,

just curious as to what level of documentation you go to on your to day, tracking, mixing, etc,

general routing? -> settings? -> gas prices?



Guest Thu, 02/07/2002 - 02:19

Barely ledgable labeling on DATA DAT's CDRS and DATS is about as far as we go.

Some notes are wrtten under the faders in Pro Tools software.

Mine is a private studio, clients dont move projects around much..

When they do, they just boot up PT and it is all there for em..

I admire those that take copious notes, me? I'm dyslexic (a bit)! And have seriously crappy hand writing!

drumsound Sun, 02/10/2002 - 21:01

I'm with Jay and a bit with Jules. Track sheet with what's where and a master with mics and path on it. Label the tapes and send them home with the client once the bill is paid. I just don't have room for them. I also have terrible handwriting and I'm most likely the only person who can make heads of tails out of my docs anyway.


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