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I've opened Pandoras box>. Will this upgrade sell more records than before. No, but it will be fun getting new stuff to play with! I'll probable wait untill all the 3ed party company's issure their HD upgrade paths. I do think the reason the DH isn't backward compatable is because of pirated software. By issueing new stuff it means you have to buy new authorizes software,ie plugin 's etc... I understand but sill don't like it. any comments?



anonymous Fri, 01/25/2002 - 17:16

I know of a world class eq designer that uses Pro Tool as a tape machine. He uses his 8 converters to his Oxford. Plug ins arn't an issue. I don't have that luxuary and need the plugs in, untill they are avalible I must wait. I'm sure they will be available by June 30th when the exchange is ready. Although 6 wweks ago a Mix Plus system was state of the art. Ain't it funny how time changes everything!!
