Hi to all,
This is my first post and I hope I'll learn a lot within this forum.
I play drums in a band and I have to use click because the music is from the computer. I use some headphones but I normally have to untap one of the ear caps, because otherwise I'll lose all frequencies and my snare and cymbal just doesn't sound good.
So I wanted to know if there is any in-ear or headphones that reduced the outside volume but keeping the frequencies, mainly without cutting mid's and high's.
I could spend 200$
Thanks in advance! :D
There are headphones MADE for drummers.. I cant remember any nam
There are headphones MADE for drummers.. I cant remember any names right now (typical?) but google probably will.
HansAm wrote: There are headphones MADE for drummers.. I cant re
Yes, but what they do is isolate the best so you can only hear the amplified drum. The problem is that the drum isn´t amplified in the reharsals, so the problem is that besides isolating it also cuts all the frequencies. :(
as far as traditional headphones go, you're going to want someth
as far as traditional headphones go, you're going to want something that's either open or semi-open. check out sennheiser...i used to have a pair of tear-drop shaped phones that were open--would be perfect for your application. i've also heard good things about grado.
the only drawback to your current setup is that you're going to have to really blast a set of open headphones. you may also want to consider a dedicated in-ear monitoring system, or just purchasing a set of high quality earbuds like the shure e5 and wearing it in just one ear.