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Can anyone help me hook up an external effects unit to the ardvark q10 so that I may be able to use it in Sonar 3? Im new and not real sure how to connect it and make it work in sonar. Thx!

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anonymous Tue, 11/25/2003 - 11:31

I just got a Q10 last week and used that feature. The Q10 has 4 "insert" jacks on the back that correspond to inputs 1-4 on the front. This is a "standard" insert mechanism, and hopefully you understand the concept.

Anyway, you need an "insert" type Y-adapter cable. This is basically one that has 1/4 stereo male jack on one end, and 2 "mono" 1/4 jacks on the other. You plug the 1/4 stereo jack into the desired "insert jack" on the back of the Q10. Then you plug one of the mono jacks into the INPUT on your other device (reverb unit, compressor/limiter, etc), and then the other mono jack into the OUTPUT. SPECIAL NOTE: One of the MONO jacks is considered the "TIP" and the other is the "RING". You need to check the Q10 manual to be sure which goes into the INPUT and OUTPUT of the other device. The Q10 manual has a section that describes this (I don't recall if TIP goes into the INPUT or vice versa, but the Q10 manual tells you.)

In case you don't understand the concept, it's really simple, the signal from Q10 comes the Q10 preamp, and then out to the INSERT jack. The Y cable sends the signal out to one of the mono plugs which goes into the INPUT of the external device. The other mono plug, carries the OUTPUT back into the Q10's insert jack. At that point, the signal goes on through the Q10 and into your PC and into your recording software. The recording software has no knowledge of the external device.

This works great for using a compressor/limiter on the mic's before it gets into the PC and recorded. This can also work well for reverb, but depending on exactly what you're trying to do, you might have things differently.

Hope this helps.

anonymous Wed, 11/26/2003 - 20:25

We use two q-10's and Cubase sx. In sx you can assign the sends to a vst output, conect that to the fx then bring the return signal back in to one of the inputs on the front. Sometimes there are latency problems, but most of the time it works fine. I believe these problems have been fixed in the new 2.0 version. Having used some of the older versions of sonar, I would assume that the newer version would be set up in a similar fashion as the way I described when using cubase.

jdier Mon, 12/01/2003 - 12:08

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
What William discribed is fine for insert type effects like compressors and eqs at tracking but there is also a method that is called a send / receive loop used to implement reverbs and delays at mix. Would someone please discribe how to do this in Sonar 3?

Like Aloha said... Basically in sonar your assign your (let us say:) Guitar to go out of a specific out on the Aardvark, then use a 1/4" patch to go out of that out, then into the effect, out of the effect, then back into the front of the Q10 into one of the inputs. Then set a new track for that input and record it.

Not terribly elegant, but it works in a pinch.


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