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Time to buy a nice pre. Looking for a better front end channel into that lowly beast of workstations, a 001. My only other pres are those in my 01V. I began looking at an RNP, coupled with either two RNC's, or a dbx dual channel compressor such as a 166. But now I've decided to go a little more high-endand am seriously considering this one, with the optional S/PDIF digital card. Any first hand users here? I've seen them fairly often in studio equipment lists, but would like to hear some opinions on it. I know asking a question like this always seems to open up the door for lots of opinions on other pre's, but I'm specifically interested in opinions on this one at the moment.

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jdsdj98 Fri, 06/20/2003 - 07:52

Yeah, I'm thinking more along the lines of a nice channel strip more so than just a stand alone pre, and I would like something with a little character and color. I also prefer having balanced I/O, which the RNP does not have. I'm still digging looking for a used VC1Q. If anyone knows of one in the U.S. for sale, please post here.

anonymous Fri, 06/20/2003 - 09:46

Personally I think the RNP completely floors the Joemeek stuff, both in terms of sound and general build quality. The RNP IS balanced, and can be used to balance the RNC as well. It also has a really good DI.

The RNP / RNC combination is a far, far more professional setup than Joemeek stuff (and I do own some Joemeek things, btw), and I can't think of anything near to it in price that even comes close to its performance.

jdsdj98 Fri, 06/20/2003 - 20:31

OK, so the impulse to buy overtook me and I now have an RNP and 2 RNC's housed in a '69 Merc on the way to me from Mercenary. I've been weighing this one a while, so I guess it wasn't too impulsive. I'm sure I'll be more than pleased with 'em. After having these for a while I'll make a decision on my next pre to purchase, probably something with some serious character and color. Thanks for the replies.

Richard Monroe Tue, 06/24/2003 - 17:21

Hi Jaime! I use the twinQ, among other pres, and it is just right for a certain sound. It is a great preamp, but not the most versatile card in the deck. I kid you not, there are times I use it in preference to my Avalon. It's particularly good for airbrushing rough vocals. If you run an RNC as an insert, it changes the sound completely, and it gets rather clean. The optical compressor acts as a filter, and it's common for me to set the slope (threshold) all the way up, with the compression (ratio) all the way down, but leave it on! In theory, the compressor shouldn't do anything in that configuration, but it does, it shapes tone. Anyway, the whole line is being redesigned, and it looks like the new ones will be far better pres than the old ones, which are pretty good.-Richie