My latest quandary is to get recycle and logic running at the same time. I'm using 4.8. I assign recycle to say outputs 15 & 16 of the hammerfall, then delete those outputs from the logic environment. I get audio inb Logic, then go to recycle and get audio there. The problem is when I go back to Logic, I get no sound. I have to re-boot Logic. Any ideas?
Try the option "release audio in background" (or similar) this did not work for me on Mac, but might work in your setup.
So I selected "release audio in background when stopped" to no avail. Still have to re-boot Logic after returning from Recycle. On the contrary, I can have Cool Edit, Acid and Recycle all up and go back in forth from either and always get sound. Again, I am selecting two Hammerfall outputs per audio app. In Logic I do not have output objects assigned to the any of the outputs I'm using with Recycle. AArgh! Any ideas?
How many Out Streams have you selected in the ASIO preferences?
How many Out Streams have you selected in the ASIO preferences?
I think you can limit the out/in streams. Try to assign only 14 out streams to logic - not the Max-option.
HTH, Niko
Pan, thanks for the response, it seems it's just me and you reading this forum lately. Good point, I did have it set for 26 I/O streams. So a re-set it to two. As it turns out this is still not helping. However, if I go to the audio driver 2 screen and perform a function that triggers a "re-launch" of the Asio driver(such as changing the I/O stream or latency setting), I'm back in business. So unless there's something else I'm missing, I guess my best bet is to do just that. It is certainly a work around, but not as bad as re-booting Logic. Maybe 5.0?
How many Out Streams have you selected in the ASIO preferences?
How many Out Streams have you selected in the ASIO preferences?
I think you can limit the out/in streams. Try to assign only 14 out streams to logic - not the Max-option.
HTH, Niko