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My latest quandary is to get recycle and logic running at the same time. I'm using 4.8. I assign recycle to say outputs 15 & 16 of the hammerfall, then delete those outputs from the logic environment. I get audio inb Logic, then go to recycle and get audio there. The problem is when I go back to Logic, I get no sound. I have to re-boot Logic. Any ideas?


Try the option "release audio in background" (or similar) this did not work for me on Mac, but might work in your setup.

So I selected "release audio in background when stopped" to no avail. Still have to re-boot Logic after returning from Recycle. On the contrary, I can have Cool Edit, Acid and Recycle all up and go back in forth from either and always get sound. Again, I am selecting two Hammerfall outputs per audio app. In Logic I do not have output objects assigned to the any of the outputs I'm using with Recycle. AArgh! Any ideas?


garysjo Sun, 01/13/2002 - 12:00

How many Out Streams have you selected in the ASIO preferences?
I think you can limit the out/in streams. Try to assign only 14 out streams to logic - not the Max-option.

HTH, Niko

Pan, thanks for the response, it seems it's just me and you reading this forum lately. Good point, I did have it set for 26 I/O streams. So a re-set it to two. As it turns out this is still not helping. However, if I go to the audio driver 2 screen and perform a function that triggers a "re-launch" of the Asio driver(such as changing the I/O stream or latency setting), I'm back in business. So unless there's something else I'm missing, I guess my best bet is to do just that. It is certainly a work around, but not as bad as re-booting Logic. Maybe 5.0?
