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Hey guys,
I've just come across some old sonic outboard gear. I am wondering if any of it is usable without the core system.

A/D D/A converters-
1/2 rack w/5pin XLR i/o and optical i/o. has
word clock in

optical converter-
appears to convert optical to/from S/PDIF or
AES. has wordclock

some kind of sync box-
wordclock in, tc i/o, etc. Seems like 3 rack

also jlcooper mr3-
fader board with no power supply or anything

any help would be appreciated. Some of this would be usefull to me if it will work without the computer interface.

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Bob Olhsson Wed, 08/15/2001 - 19:02

To be perfectly honest, a lot of people don't consider it to be all that useable WITH the core system!

The folks who gave Sonic their reputation virtually all use state-of-the-art, high-end third-party converters, outboard signal processing and sync gear. Sonic's own is notoriously unreliable and bad sounding except for the rebadged Lucid stuff that they've been selling very recently.

audiowkstation Wed, 08/15/2001 - 21:02

I agree Bob..

I will say this...

Around the corner we will see mopre emerging techonlogy that will make DSD a "beta" compared to the result.

128 bit audio at 6meg/64meg..will be video/audio "good enough"...but we will still keep our tube amps (monitoring) and analog (studers) around for a long time.

Lucent has it's infrastructure...and enginnering together..ala western electric ...on ice!

Hope you liked that Bob!


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