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when i get done mixing something with Sonar 3.. the levels look good, the sound wave levels dont look too loud or soft.. they are about 75-80% at their peeks. but when i mix it all down to a wav, the sound is much too low. how do i fix this. and can i increase the volume on each track by Xdb without it distorting? should i mix with them at their loudest level or what?

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jonyoung Fri, 11/19/2004 - 18:25

Are you recording in Sonar as well? I track on an outboard hard disk recorder and import to Sonar. I get worried that my levels are too hot, but I don't hear any distortion. I think part of the equation is what levels your soundcard is capable of. I just posted on the Sonar forum relating to this topic. My HDR runs at +4db, can't say for sure what level my soundcard is (the manual says -10 and "consumer"). If I solo a track in Sonar that peaks there at, say, +6, my soundcard display shows -10 to -12. My peak levels on my HDR are -6dbFS. Sure would be nice to know, since I'm about to send my first full length project to a mastering facility!

John Stafford Sun, 11/21/2004 - 00:33

I wonder if it could have anything to do with the format in which data is sent. In the Driver Profiles section (when using WDM drivers), options are given regarding the way 16-bit data is streamed.

I've never had a problem in Sonar, but in Project 5 the output level varies hugely according to the data format options.

Just a thought. I don't know if this could be relevant to your problem, but it's certainly important for audio playback.

John Stafford

anonymous Sun, 11/21/2004 - 02:26

imloggedin wrote: yah i also import into sonar. but im not sure why the sound is so low when i burn to a cd or compared to other wav/mp3's.

If you just export the mix without any limiting at the "mastering" stage your levels will be about 1/3 of a contemporary rock album. If you really need to ruin you rmusic by cranking it up (like I have to do whenever dealing with pseudo-humane A&R's) check out a mastering limiter like the Waves L3.