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Hi all ., Been working on some of our songs for an ep . Can you please have a listen and tell me
what you think . What is it that detracts from the listening. ?
I can't retrack anything,and I've got a couple of days left so I can do slight eq adjustments .
I picked this track because its got the most tracks, and maybe the others will be easier,
Im also going to follow the same workflow in this track for the others,


Attached files blues singing woman_2.mp3 (8.2 MB) 

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Smashh Mon, 09/26/2016 - 21:59

thanks Marco , I got lost there , I adjusted the eq and give it another whirl .
On first listen to this mix I want to do something with the bv s but not sure what,
They sound little too thick from here . What do you think?


If yo boost the tops , how much ,to make sound right on your monitors .
Around what frequency and Q works on your end,
I feel like the balance is pretty good here but I now need to boost the highs..
I don't think the monitoring is good enough here , got the ear pods and the aura tones
and Im not certain about the presence vs clarity vs air ?

Ok just did experiment and for me a boost around 3.5 ks sounds alright here

Attached files blues singing woman ..mp3 (8.2 MB) 

DogsoverLava Mon, 09/26/2016 - 23:23

I understand what PC was talking about in that first mix - it became particularly evident at the midpoint vocal. This new mix puts Juanita back in with the band. This mix to me is very round, like a slightly muted muscle shoals mix - a little bit woman tone on the guitar - like the whole mix has had just a slight tone knob rollback. I really like the keyboards but that might be an area where you can add some more highs if you want a little more punch and less warmth. But there's something very attractive about the warmth here. I played around with this and mixed in a pretty gentle 2.2db peak around 1150 that started at 500 and finished at 3K then added a nice little climbing tail starting around 4.5K and then A/B's this with Aretha's Muscle shoals recordings and it compares favorably on my system with the additional EQ tweaks (And of course Juanita is amazing) - I did also start tailing off the bass at 100 to about 40

If you do want brighter I'd check out Herbie Handcock's Chameleon, & Stevie Wonder's Maybe Your Baby. Rufus covered Maybe Your baby as well so you can hear some of the same instrumentation with Chaka Khan - the Rufus mix is warmer than Stevie's and closer to yours but still has a little more brightness.

I really like the track.

Smashh Tue, 09/27/2016 - 08:34

Thanks Robert and Sean ,

I appreciate your input guys, and will give the eq on the master bus a tweak in those areas.
Atm Im going round another 5 tracks trying to limit myself to half hour on each , then moving to the next one, getting them to a similar balance before listening on a friends stereo etc .
From past experience , I can handle listening to my mix wanting something more , than
listening to it overdone on the eq , ( cringing moments )

Love the chart btw , its great being able to get your insight here .
Cheers (y)