5 May 2008
Hi Guys & Gals,
I'm currently using prerecorded backing tracks and need to pitch shift them to the approptiate key for me. for most this works fine, but the odd song requires a big change which can make the bass warbble because it is to low? Does anybody have any suggestions on how to fix this using Pro Tools? Should I try and EQ it out? or alter the way I do it with pitch shift?
I would appriecetate any help on this
Thanks Code mokey, gives me somethig to thig the se
Thanks Code mokey, gives me somethig to thig the serato product sounds great but to expensive for what i eed itfor I wound the minimum freq down to 40hz and that did improve the outcome, I'm ot sure what ratio and fine does? doesn't seem to do much at a glance.
First suggestion that comes to me is to create a crossover and d
First suggestion that comes to me is to create a crossover and deal with the bass separately (use 2 pitch shifts).'ll still need to bring the bass up the same amount, which doesn't fix the problem.
Good luck.