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Hello all.

Firstly I'm glad I have found this forum, looks like a great place to lean stuff from experienced people! 8-)

I just got a M-Box and installed it on a fresh Windows XP install. (sp1)

Is PT's compatable with Direct X plugs? I assume its not, as I installed some and they didnt appear in plugs menu.

If there is a way to get them to work, please advise.

Thanks in advance



anonymous Fri, 12/24/2004 - 09:58

I'm pretty sure that PT only works with PT plug-ins, and nothing else... software wise. In the studios I've used PT in, I never saw direct x plug-ins, and any VSTs that I saw with other recording programs like cubase, etc.

Then again... I'm still stumped on which bundle of PT to buy, so don't rely on that answer.