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...good luck to all,,
and remember get to 500 points and you win the prize . .

The prize is a vmp-2000e valued at over $1200 USD….
Shipped directly from the Sebatron factory to you….

Each question may be worth anywhere from 5 points to 50 points or more. this one is worth 40 points if answered correctly. .


Who was the first ( and so far only ) person to drink wine on the moon?

…..Your time starts now,
I’ll accept the first correct answer. Not multiple answers.
Get to it. :D

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David French Fri, 09/30/2005 - 23:43

Yeah, i'll second its legitness. It's 2 legit 2 quit. I got the pre sittin' in my studio right now to prove it. [[url=http://[/URL]="http://recording.or…"]This[/]="http://recording.or…"]This[/] is the end of the last contest. All newcomers should dig up the old contests and read them thoroughly. You will see first hand how things work and how sick and twisted Seb can be!

David French Fri, 09/30/2005 - 23:50

Oh, and freaky, I meant to tell you this, but right at the end of last contest, youre not gonna believe where I was... at the AES convention in San Francisco! I was right in your backyard! It was heartbreaking, not being able to discuss going on the trip on RO so I could meet people, worrying about leaving the contest and losing, etc. In the end, I just said fuck it and went anyway. I took a laptop for when I was in my hotel room (the downtown Hilton - that was interesting; the workers were on strike)Luckily for me, what happened did happen while I was in my room. It really sucked a lot of the fun out of the convention, however. So, guys, you may thing you'll get something for free if you win, but no, you will pay for it. Somehow.

Sebatron Sat, 10/01/2005 - 04:18

Ahh , c’mon guys ….. who do you think it’s actually costing the most.. :shock:
The problem is I get sympathetic and want you all to win.

Dave ,, I’m still going to give you 40 points because you were indeed the first to answer….
However , you spelt Perry wrong ( Berry ) so you miss out on twenty points.
Macombaland gets the twenty extra points for answering with the correct spelling.






BRI: 5

Everyone still has a chance to win.We've barely started....


anonymous Sat, 10/01/2005 - 06:21

David, it's too bad you didn't look me up! Next time you're in SF, we have to go for beers. My favorite contest story is on Halloween night (huge occasion here in SF...) I have to go to the bar that has computers with internet access so I can keep tabs on the contest! My fiance was ready to kill. Worse than that is when she asked where I wanted to go on vacation and the first thing out of my mouth was "Melbourne, maybe we could tour the Sebatron shop!" :lol:

Sebatron Sat, 10/01/2005 - 10:49

...if you guys don't think I get a hard time , think again ....


Choose only one of the following to answer.
Therefore three people can answer.
Each one is worth a different amount of points…..
If your question has already been answered by the time you post it ,,,
then that’s bad luck ,, you’ll have to miss out this time….
You have to get in early for full points.. 8-)

1/ What is the average weight of a chicken Egg? 10 points
2/ What is the average weight of a flea’s Egg? 20 points
3/What does the phrase ‘ As Sure as Eggs is Eggs ‘ actually mean?
( in your own words…. No more than twenty…. ) 20 points

No extra posts … an overload of DATA may result in a Penalty! :oops:

…..Your time starts now,
Get to it. :lol:

anonymous Sat, 10/01/2005 - 14:19

Sebatron wrote: ...if you guys don't think I get a hard time , think again ....

Ah, so I'm guessing there is a Mrs. Sebatron. Tell her that we really do apreciate the time she lets you spend here with us! 8-) Do you have any fun contest/ relationship stories to share? (If I'm not getting too personal...)

Bri Sat, 10/01/2005 - 18:39

Hey abmac!

I actually couldn't find it either, so I did my own calculations based on the average size of a flea's egg....calculated the volume then weight, assuming a relatively spherical shape, and that the make up of the egg was mostly fluid. It took some time....I'm no mathematician. Egad the conversions! Not sure about my nomenclature, but I didn't dare edit or repost. I calculate less than five percent error. ;)

Sebatron Sun, 10/02/2005 - 10:04

You are ALL Class Acts…..Well Done ! 8-)

Love the Egg Photo Freaky , you’re welcome anytime to visit the factory.....
One quick point though ,, we tend to use the metric system down here ….. some grams may have earned you extra points.....> Or maybe points could earn you extra Grams. :shock:






BRI: 25

Keep up the great work everyone , we've almost finished the first phase.
Question five to follow very soon ........ :lol:

Sebatron Sun, 10/02/2005 - 10:10


Question five is in three parts like the last question.
It involves , at the very least , timing and knowledge.

Choose only one of the following to answer.
Therefore only three people can answer.
Each one is worth a different amount of points…..
If your question has already been answered by the time you post it ,,, then that’s bad luck ,, you’ll have to miss this time….
You have to get in early for full points..
There may be bonus points for style.

1/What is the atomic weight of gold? 20 points
2/What is the actual weight of gold? up to 45 points
3/James Mason was a good actor or not? True or False. 20 points

Excessive DATA may lead to penalties ,, so please keep that in mind. :cry:

…..Your time starts now,
Get to it.


Bri Sun, 10/02/2005 - 14:50

Shoot, missed this round!...was on the road...was traveling "North By Northwest" for the past six hours. Guess I'm "The Odd Man Out" this time around. Good to be back home's nice to have "A Place Of One's Own" in lieu of hotels all week. Hmmm it's Autumn here now. I guess that means Sebatron is probably enjoying the "Spring and Port Wine" these days.

pr0gr4m Sun, 10/02/2005 - 23:12

Since Perfectwave answered two questions and should have answered only one AND since neither David nore Bri answered with "true or false" I'm hoping this question is still open...

James Mason was a good actor or not? True or False...

If I say TRUE, then I'm saying that James Mason WAS a good actor or not. If I say FALSE, then I'm saying that James Mason WASN'T a good actor or not.

Since we know that James Mason was indeed an actor, the correct answer must be TRUE whether he was good or not. If the answer was FALSE, that would mean that he wasn't an actor at all.

I say TRUE!

pr0gr4m Mon, 10/03/2005 - 09:56

Matt_Trix wrote: To answer number 3, I think the only way to answer such a subjective question properly is with a subjective reply, so my answer is:

Compared to Jessican Simpson, yes.

It's not really a subjective question. The words can be rearranged in a better way to illustrate my point...

James Mason was an actor, good or not?

There is only one answer to that and it is TRUE because James Mason was an actor. It's actually a statement and not a question at all. Hence the True or False answer. The fact that it is a statement and not a question brings up the question "if it's a statement then why the question mark?" To this I can only say that it is there to confuse us all.

Of course, all of this assumes that Seb is talking about the actor and not just one of his neighbors.

Sebatron Mon, 10/03/2005 - 10:01

Gold weighs 19.32 g per cubic centimeter.

Freaky - well done ! That was the kind of answer I was looking for..
....... but then again , how long is a centimeter? :shock:

Unfortunately most of the other answers were either plagued with excessive DATA or suffered timing problems.:cry:
Remember you have to get in early for the full points....

Scores have been calculated and the results are posted below.

There's a little break then we'll be starting up Phase 2.
Everyone's invited to participate , please read the questions carefully before replying....
There's still a chance for everyone! 8-)





BRI: 35