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i have Sonar and i run everything thru mixer into Sonar so do i need to use a preamp for my mics or is it ok to just use the plugins, i have mic/preamps but i want to record live drums but I'm just wondering if its ok to just run everything into Sonar and eq/compress add reverb later?

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anonymous Mon, 01/31/2005 - 10:11

Preamp always needed?

Hey there,

I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but I do not really agree with Jon's post on this topic... With a decent soundcard, especially one that has a +4Db option, there are mics that will give you a good hot signal and do not need input gain... Take the Audix D4 for example. This is a pretty loud dynamic mic that is quite useful for drums, bass and I suspect, horns. If you are HD recording and you have a good program you can "cheat" the input level from the mixer section while recording.

Another to bear in mind an outboard mixer has mic pres and if your digital mixer can deliver the goods, spending that extra money becomes optional especially if your sound card comes with a phantom power option. I would say that if you are limiting yourself to dynamic mics, this is not a step to take lightly.

Good luck!


jonyoung Mon, 01/31/2005 - 12:58

stereomaus, no feathers were ruffled. You're absolutely correct that Phantom is utilising mic pres now via his mixer. In essence, any '"trim" function on a channel in Sonar is also functioning as a preamp. He doesn't need an outboard pre necessarily, but ya gotta have considerable gain at your input stage.


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