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well, did anyone managed to sync aaudition 1.5 and reason through rewire ?

sounds like a good and cheap combination I am looking at but someone told me that in fact it does not work.


does it work ?



anonymous Sun, 08/22/2004 - 09:02

I did however sync cep with an old sony minidisk (datadisk) 4 track recorder via MTC and midi cables. that was long time ago but worked ok.

now... if noone can find the answer in this place I think maybe it is time to check other solutions.

how about runinng reason on separate machine and syncing two machines (and software) via midi port and MTC ? then running outputs (stereo pair or more) to main machine inputs ?

anyone doing that ?

tracking apllication on dedicated machine synced with softsynths on another dedicated machine ?

I guess it could be common practice for you guys ? I dont think you have just ONE machine ?

but if you have two or more are you syncing them ? and how ?

ok. I am now kind of off topic but moderators can change the thread name if they wish as this one is not very fruity :cry:

happy recording anyone ! :D

anonymous Sun, 08/22/2004 - 09:03

I did however sync cep with an old sony minidisk (datadisk) 4 track recorder via MTC and midi cables. that was long time ago but worked ok.

now... if noone can find the answer in this place I think maybe it is time to check other solutions.

how about runinng reason on separate machine and syncing two machines (and software) via midi port and MTC ? then running outputs (stereo pair or more) to main machine inputs ?

anyone doing that ?

tracking apllication on dedicated machine synced with softsynths on another dedicated machine ?

I guess it could be common practice for you guys ? I dont think you have just ONE machine ?

but if you have two or more are you syncing them ? and how ?

ok. I am now kind of off topic but moderators can change the thread name if they wish as this one is not very fruity :cry:

happy recording anyone ! :D

anonymous Sun, 08/22/2004 - 09:04

I did however sync cep with an old sony minidisk (datadisk) 4 track recorder via MTC and midi cables. that was long time ago but worked ok.

now... if noone can find the answer in this place I think maybe it is time to check other solutions.

how about runinng reason on separate machine and syncing two machines (and software) via midi port and MTC ? then running outputs (stereo pair or more) to main machine inputs ?

anyone doing that ?

tracking apllication on dedicated machine synced with softsynths on another dedicated machine ?

I guess it could be common practice for you guys ? I dont think you have just ONE machine ?

but if you have two or more are you syncing them ? and how ?

ok. I am now kind of off topic but moderators can change the thread name if they wish as this one is not very fruity :cry:

happy recording anyone ! :D