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I am interested in real time looping as a performance. So far the only tools available are the Oberhiem Exhoplex Digital Pro and the Boomerang. Both suck in the audio quality dept compared to my RME Hammerfall card in my Nuendo system tho. So I'd like to turn Nuendo into one of these products. All it has to do is record one track at a time, then when I press stop it will start over at the beginning, disarming track 1 and start recording track 2. When it hits the end the second time it will start at the beginning again, disarm track 2 and arm track 3. etc. Is this possible with Nuendo. Are there scripts you can run to achieve this functionality? If not in Nuendo, how about other products?


Opus2000 Fri, 05/18/2001 - 09:48

Unfortunately that is not a highly used method in Nuendo...what you "can" do is cycly recording..set the locater points in the desired amount of length..put the mode into cycle(hit the backslash key on the numeric pad) and let it roll..everytime it goes to the beginning it starts a new "take" and after it's done you can drag each take to it's own track..personally I have never seen that option in any software before that you have asked about