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I have been using pro tools m powered 7 for the past 5 years. There are several plugins that I have come to rely on (Joe meek..moog...Digidesign comps and a bunch more). All of these plugins were included on my pro tools 7 disc and worked fine.

I recently bought pro tools m powered 8 and I am enjoying it! But..I would love to be able to use my old plugins from 7. I inserted the Ilok that came with 7 in the usb slot next to the Ilok that came with 8. My computer recognizes both Iloks and I have confirmed that both are installed and working properly.

When I open pro tools I get a message that says the plugins require authorization and they can not be found on the Ilok (then it shows a serial# from only 1 Ilok).

Any suggestions on how I can get this working would be amazing!

my computer is a PC ..AMD quad phenom..4 gig ram...1TB HD and 100gig HD.



BobRogers Fri, 03/27/2009 - 03:18

Where did you buy them? I checked about this before I upgraded, and there was no question that you should be able to use them. (Turned out all of the "extra" plugins that I used from earlier versions were all included in 8.) keep bugging the tech support people from the dealer and digi. They should make this work.