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Hi I'm new here, heard of this site through a friend, maybe someone may be able to help me. :)

I'm running a Celeron 800MHz, 256 RAM.


I am Currently running Cubase 5.0 (PC version).

I love the software but recently the software has be randomly throwing my audio recordings totally off beat. Every 10 minutes I have to close and re-open Cubase so it may record on time again. This has been a huge nagging pain... Some have told me maybe my sound card (ISIS PRO) is not in sync with the software, or maybe it is my computer... but until now I haven't found any answers.

I've even ran a recording test in COOL EDIT and I never have this problem... ONLY in Cubase, could someone please help me out, you would be a great help. *A friend of mine is also have the same problems so I know this isn't just a freak incident* :)



I am also trying to sync my Korg Triton with Cubase *Korg is the slave*
, I have been very successful except for one thing.

When I press the stop button in Cubase to stop the recording, my Triton will automatically reset it sequencing counter to 0, therefore if I want to pick up recording in say the 3 bar of the sequence I can't because no matter where I stop then play the sequence restarts. I hope what I've said is making sense, if not please let me know and I can explain better :)

I guess what I am trying to say is how to I get Cubase to juss say *pause* the sequence, so I may record where I left off in relation the beat, instead of the Cubase resetting the Korg's clock counter.

I know I've asked a lot but, if anyone has the know please help me out, I'm going nuts over here!

Once again, Thank Very Much,





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