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2015 Ohio Music Awards winners announced...



DonnyThompson Tue, 12/15/2015 - 02:39

Thanks, Sean. As I said, I am humbled and honored. I honestly never expected to even be nominated, never mind winning any award... and most certainly never 2 of them.

But ... I didn't do this by myself. No engineer or producer can do anything without having incredible talent to work with, and there was a lot of that on this album... most notably, Terry, of course, but there were many others, too.

And... quite a bit of help in the form of support and advice from right here on RO, too; audiokid pcrecord kmetal Boswell @Brien Holcombe , and of course, Thomas W. Bethel for his awesome mastering work.

Not to mention all my friends here who had to talk me down off the edge on more than just one occasion. ;)

DonnyThompson Wed, 12/16/2015 - 02:52

Thanks so much guys. I appreciate your posts of congratulations.

Honesty, I don't really know what will result from all of this - if anything at all - but it is nice for us to occasionally be acknowledged by our peers and colleagues for something that we've worked hard at.
I learned a great deal, things that I can now apply to future projects, and by being challenged to the degree that I was, I think it gave me a better insight into what makes a good-sounding song.

But in the end, the true "award" for me was knowing that Terry Fairfax was very happy with the album... that's really what counts the most.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to all here on RO who helped me out on this often very difficult and challenging project; ( audiokid pcrecord kmetal Boswell @Brien Holcombe Kurt Foster - and others here) for offering tremendously useful insight, great technical advice and support. And, having friends around to "talk me down off the ledge" once in a while was very valuable, too. LOL. I almost jumped a time or two. ;)

Thanks again, guys.



Guelph_Guy Mon, 01/04/2016 - 08:19

DonnyThompson, post: 434469, member: 46114 wrote: 2015 Ohio Music Awards winners announced...
[QUOTE=DonnyThompson, post: 434510, member: 46114]Thanks so much guys. I appreciate your posts of congratulations.

Honesty, I don't really know what will result from all of this - if anything at all - but it is nice for us to occasionally be acknowledged by our peers and colleagues for something that we've worked hard at.
I learned a great deal, things that I can now apply to future projects, and by being challenged to the degree that I was, I think it gave me a better insight into what makes a good-sounding song.

But in the end, the true "award" for me was knowing that Terry Fairfax was very happy with the album... that's really what counts the most.

My heartfelt thanks goes out to all here on RO who helped me out on this often very difficult and challenging project; (see my post above for those who were of such tremendous help) offering technical advice, support, and, having friends around to "talk me down off the ledge" once in a while was very valuable, too. LOL. I almost jumped a time or two. ;)

Thanks again, guys.



Great Job Donny ... You should feel proud !!!! [/QUOTE]
Great Job Donny , you should feel proud... I know I would...

OBrien Tue, 01/05/2016 - 19:09

It really is a good CD. Clear with no surprises sonically :) A lot of work went into this, a lot. You can hear the result...not the sweat, but you get the final idea that Terry must have had in his mind when this project started. The project that is titled "Love". That is what you hear.

It is the first in a long long time that I listened to start to finish. And then did it again.

You could get an award for that as well, if anyone in Ohio knew me and my listening habits!

I tell you who else should get an award. Whoever it was that ordered the songs. I just do not think it would have worked any other way. But in the long run it is a work to be proud of. And that is the best anyone can hope for and everything else is icing.

DonnyThompson Wed, 01/06/2016 - 03:18

Brien Holcombe, post: 434952, member: 48996 wrote: I tell you who else should get an award. Whoever it was that ordered the songs. I just do not think it would have worked any other way.

Thanks Brien. :)

I totally agree that the song order was crucial. I don't think that enough artists/producers pay attention to the importance of that part of an album anymore.

The credit for the song order on the album goes to both Terry and Tom Bethel, ( Thomas W. Bethel ) who mastered the album for us. Tom's contribution to the final album in overall sound and song placement was substantial. He deserves a great deal of credit for what he did... for everything he did; his respect of the music, and the dynamic range, how each song flowed into the next...he really did do quite a wonderful job on the mastering.

I can tell you for certain that it wasn't me. LOL.
By the time I was sending the final mixes to Tom, I was cooked, and I made sure both Terry and Tom knew that, and that I couldn't be trusted to choose a final running order. I think they did a great job and they deserve credit.

But then again, so do you. Not for the song order, but for something just as important...

I'm not sure you really get it, when I say how big a part you played in the sound of the album ...because of you, I was able to better understand room acoustics and relative treatment methods.
There's just no doubt that mixing in a space that works with you instead of against you makes such a huge difference.

Of course, the first objective was to get the room to the point where I could turn out accurate sonics; mixes that translated well to outside systems... but the other benefit to this, and one that I think was just as important (at least to me),
was that having the treated space allowed me to mix for much longer periods of time without fatigue.

And when you're trying to meet a deadline, every extra minute you can mix without being fatigued matters... a lot.

I'm not saying I didn't occasionally reach those moments of being cooked, because there were times I did ( and every engineer faces fatigue eventually if they are mixing long enough at one sitting); but my critical listening skills would have been blunted much sooner, and blunted more, had I not made corrections to the room, which were all based on in-depth reading of all your posts ( researching the topic even by going back to your posts before I was even a member here, and Andre's and Kyle's posts helped too...) and having you answer my questions.

Having a basic understanding of the science helped me to correct things accordingly. I'm still nowhere near an expert in the field; and I wouldn't doubt that there are still things I could do to improve the space even more, but I know a lot more now than I used to, and that's because of you. And in the end, I would have never been able to get the mixes that I did without your help and advice.

And by reading your older posts, you were helping me even when you weren't aware that you were. ;)

