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Hello again,

I have a Fender Champion 600 5 watt tube amp. I like the low volume clean tones that this amp provides, however the 6" speaker sounds terrible when the volume is turned up and starts to overdrive the tubes. I think the best way to describe the sound is flabby and farty. I'm a big fan of crunchy.

A conclusion I've reached to solve this problem is getting a 1 x 12 extension cab to plug the amp into. I'm curious how many of you out there have done this, and what kind of results you have achieved? Is a 5 watt amp powerful enough to drive a 12" speaker and actually cause the crunchy break up that I want to achieve?

Thank you in advance for your insight.


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Guitarfreak Sun, 01/24/2010 - 23:03

I would personally buy an Avatar Contemporary 1x12 cab with a Celestion Greenback or G12H30 speaker. That's going to run you $250 plus shipping. It's not cheap, but then again neither is great tone :D The Greenback's actually break up quite early, so while your amp most likely will not overdrive them, it might coax out their signature sound. That's not such a bad thing though, overdriving speakers is overrated anyway ;)