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Best budget compressor/limiter

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Submitted by Corridorman on

I'm looking for half decent compressor but i'm on a bit of a budget, idealy I would like something that uses tubes to add some coloration but thats probably out of my range, anyways if anyone has any recommendations.


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I agree ... unlike mic pres, affordable comps are a possibilty .. and the VLA and RNC recieve many positive comments.

I have used Symerics comps as well and they really aren't too bad ...

One other to keep an eye out for is a used Dynamite comp ... IMO it's better suited as a noise gate or expander butr in a pinch or when I want that vca sound, it's the one I reach for ..

I have seen them available used for under $200 ...

Thu, 02/24/2005 - 14:59 Permalink
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evt wrote: Hi all,

The Safesound P1 rocks! I just ordered a second one.


It certainly rocks, but I don't know that I would buy one JUST for the compressor, though. I do however use it on occasion just for its expander and transparent limiter features. The comp is probably its weakest point IMO. For $500 you can find a lot better dedicated comp.

Thu, 03/10/2005 - 14:00 Permalink