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Hello experts, jarjar reporting for duty.

¿Can you please recommend me some good books with "hands on" information about how to implement a live sound event?

I've looked. But the ones I've found on amazon always have too much theory. I have theory books. I want the "how to's", the "be careful's", the "what not to do's". All the applied stuff.

Im not reluctant of theory, but I want a practical book to understand how to implement shows at different levels from "corner cafe-type portable gig" to "Rock in Rio". Topics like:

Venue scouting and measurement to gather gear selection criteria
PA Power calculations (but not only the formulas: the real world "what amp would you pick for how many speakers, hung this high", or the "how many speakers per amp, per dividing network")
Ring out specifics: how to ring out several type of systems for efficient performance and high dynamic range/headroom
Acoustic/gear selection considerations between indoor and outdoor events
Human resources management of live sound events
Crowd control considerations
Health, safety and insurance
System operation tips and tricks
Damage control, risks
Good practices for unwanted issues during the show
Use of digital vs analog mixing desks

Thank you for your time!

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DonnyThompson Fri, 01/30/2015 - 23:40

Yup. Has the reputation as being one of the "bibles" for sound reinforcement.

However, I don't believe that it has anything related to live event logistics such as crowd control, HR, etc. It's more technically oriented.

I'm not sure where to point you for that stuff, maybe see if you can find any training manuals from a theatrical or stage handlers union... (IATSE)


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