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We should start up a chat room on MIRC so we can all hang out and chat on our spare time. Ive been searchign for such a channel and have had no luck at all. If this already exist let me know if not lets get one started up :)



anonymous Fri, 01/30/2004 - 19:38

Oh, finally a thread I can chime in on, being that I'm an IRC god and all. :D

I don't know of any channels for studio recording that exist, but for a time, Scenaria in Tech Talk tried to start a Group DIY channel on a network who's name now escapes me.

As for myself, I usually hang out on, which is a smallish and very stable network. If anyone really wants to, it would be a simple matter to start a channel there. In fact, I have a channel of my own if anyone would like to pop in in the course of experimenting. I can give any further help and instructions from there.

If anyone wants some basic instructions on using IRC:

gwalla is an old friend of mine, and an IRC op on Nightstar (an admin, essentially).

e-cue Wed, 02/04/2004 - 12:07

Originally posted by error5i:
We should start up a chat room on MIRC so we can all hang out and chat on our spare time. Ive been searchign for such a channel and have had no luck at all. If this already exist let me know if not lets get one started up :)


The room itself wigs out time to time, but they are in the process of upgrading to a bigger and better one. I've actually gotten gigs, met friends, and had help with tech issues there resolved.