Hey everyone, I just stumbled upon this place while I was looking for answers that I unfortunately haven't found yet. Here's my problem: I have a MobilePre USB preamp and I am trying to record into Cool Edit Pro 2.0, but when I record in, it only gives me the left channel. I've tried fooling around with the settings for both the hardware and the software, but I haven't been able to fix anything. Can anybody please help? Thanks a lot
Hey guys. The MobilePre has 2 mono channels. That is why it is
Hey guys. The MobilePre has 2 mono channels. That is why it is only recording to the left channel. You'll see that if you plug your mic/instrument into channel 2, it will record everything on the right channel. As far as I am aware, you just have to record everythying that way, then copy/paste to the other channel.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I called tech support for M-A
Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I called tech support for M-Audio and the guy there helped me. CW, you're right about the mono channels. What I had to do was for the track I was recording, select right channel only and then it records a mono track that gives sound to both channels. Hideo, I don't know how audition works, but it's probably pretty similar. If you have any questions, I'll try and help. Thanks everyone
I am having this same problem, I am using adobe adution and the
I am having this same problem, I am using adobe adution and the moblepre and its only comming out of the left channel.