anonymous 7 October 2004 What do you think of the costs of A/D converters? Do you think cost really does represent the true value of them? Also if so or if not, which converters do you like or dislike? Log in or register to post comments Tags ad converters Comments Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exception Massive Mastering Thu, 10/07/2004 - 23:04 Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exceptional bucks, but very good performers can be had for a song. Out of the box - Lavry, followed by Lucid, Mytex, Apogee. In the box - Lynx... uh... RME is pretty nice... Log in or register to post comments
Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exception Massive Mastering Thu, 10/07/2004 - 23:04 Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exceptional bucks, but very good performers can be had for a song. Out of the box - Lavry, followed by Lucid, Mytex, Apogee. In the box - Lynx... uh... RME is pretty nice... Log in or register to post comments
Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exception
Just like everything else, exceptional performers cost exceptional bucks, but very good performers can be had for a song.
Out of the box - Lavry, followed by Lucid, Mytex, Apogee.
In the box - Lynx... uh... RME is pretty nice...