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howdy Hi, new guy here. I'm building a new computer from scratch, and currently I am deciding on the CPU.

The TSX ISA on Haswell is supposed to increase the efficiency of software that uses multi-threading. I know that the software I am considering supports multi-threading (Sonar), but I'm wondering how the TSX advantage would stack up to outright overclocking. I realize that in order to take full advantage of TSX, the software has to be optimized to do so, but apparently it is a very easy thing for a developer to do after-the-fact (caveat: as of yet, I do not know if Sonar is optimized for TSX).

So here's my problem. Initially I was going to get the 4770K and overclock it, but learned that the K version does not have TSX. If I were to get the 4770K anyway, would a moderate overclock (4.2 or 4.3 GHz) outweigh any TSX-gained advantage from a vanilla 4770?

So, all other things being equal, I'd like insight or opinions on what the better option might be:

Vanilla 4770 locked at 3.4 GHz, TSX enabled
- OR -
4770K w/moderate overclock, but no TSX




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