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Delta 1010lt panning

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Submitted by recordjunkiehtx on

ok i bought a delta 1010 lt 8 mono ins and outs ive got a dynamic mic plugged into mic 1 of the delta and speakers plugged into 1/2 out of the delta.i want to pan my vocals to left or right on recordings but if i hard left i hear nothing hard right i can hear playback but the volume just lowers down i have no mixer or pre-amp just speakers,headphones,dynamic mic,magix music studio software,what do i need to do or buy to pan vocals hard right or left? please be specific on what to buy? thk for help


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I don't think this has anything to do with the Delta 1010LT or your microphone, rather with the way you are operating your DAW software. I am not familiar with "Magic Music Studio", but you need to create a MONO track for the microphone channel. You should be able to pan the mono track to any position between hard left and hard right. From your description, it sounds as though you have created a stereo track and are only recording to the right channel.

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Tue, 03/30/2010 - 02:53 Permalink