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So I just got the Digi 002r. Prior to that I had been using my computer's sound card and my klipsch computer speakers to mix, but since I got the 002r I temporarily traded my klipsches to my buddy in return for him letting me use his monitors.

Since I'm not using computer speakers anymore I disabled my sound card and I've started using the 002 as a sound card. My problem is, it won't play any audio from video files. mp3s in winamp will play fine, but if I try to play the same file in windows media player no luck. So apparently it's recognizing the winamp program but nothing else.

Any advice on how to fix this?

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Kev Sun, 01/28/2007 - 12:35


are we on Mac or PC ?
" ,,, I try to play the same file in windows media player no luck "

that means PC


are all drivers loaded ?

I don't remember what it's called ... direct connect ... wave player ... wave driver ???

I'm not PT7 literate on XP but in the past ... for PT6
there was something like

Digidesign WaveDriver 6.1.1 Setup.exe.

that's all I got
