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i bought a zoom mrs8 and it came with an SD card, and when i try to put it on the computer the files will come up but theres six seperate files for one song, and it's totally not even working

any help would greatly be appreciated.


pr0gr4m Fri, 09/21/2007 - 15:31

Did you go to the manufacturers website? Did you read the manual? A quick trip to the ZOOM site and i found this:

WAV/AIFF file Import/Export Capability
If you have a personal computer and an SD card reader/writer, the free "Card Manager" software can be used to import or export audio track data as WAV/AIFF files. Compatibility with popular DAW software and other MRS series devices enables flexible use of audio files. If your computer has a CD burner, you can create audio CDs from material you have recorded. When the SD card you use with your MRS-8 has become full, simply copy the data to a computer and reuse the card.

*The"Card Manager" is available from Download page.

So, do you have the card manager software installed? If not, do that. Access the data on the card via it and you'll more than likely be able to get a handle on things.

A DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation and it's basically a computer with recording software. If you don't have any recording software, then all you should really need to do is mix down out of the ZOOM into your computer.

Good Luck