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I was on ebay browsing around when i came across this item. It says dont buy M-Audio Delta 1010 and other various products.

Is this just obviuos stuff?. Or do you think hes just trying to make a quick buck? Your thoughts?


pr0gr4m Tue, 01/24/2006 - 15:17

Every question that he poses has been answered for free somewhere on the internet.

He is explaining certain concepts that beginners may not understand and the information he is giving out may very well be helpful.

The whole Direct Monitoring thing is something everyone with a DAW should know about and is no big industry secret.

10 dollar mics, 20 dollar headphones, 200 dollar monitors...All these things are available and good stuff can be done with them. He says he likes and uses them...that doesn't mean that you will...or wont. I seriously doubt that his 20 dollar strings/piano sample library is very good.

So, if you want to pay for it, go ahead. But it's not like he's giving away any big secret or anything like that.

I say, look at his topics, search the net and compile your own list.

anonymous Tue, 01/24/2006 - 16:45

Yea, thats what i was thinking. But what does this mean then.

{Direct Monitoring- Many sound cards are advertising “zero latency,” (where they pipe the input directly into the output) but this comes at the expense of not being able to use software effects like reverb or equalization for the headphone mix, which anyone would agree could drastically improve their performance. You then must purchase an additional mixer and external effects gear to have this "luxury."}taken from his statement.

Does that mean i wont be able to put effects or equalize after recording?

David French Tue, 01/24/2006 - 16:53

This guy is a dork.

Using direct monitoring is a choice. You can also choose to monitor though your software. If you have a decent computer, you will be able to achieve great (sub 10 msec) latency when you need to. It is true that when using direct monitoring you will not be able to apply software effects... no shit. That's what software monitoning is for.

Does that mean i wont be able to put effects or equalize after recording?

Of course not! After your digital files are created, you can do whatever processing you want. Thsi whole discussion just concerns the use of effects during recording, that is, having the performer hear effects that are not being recorded, like reverb for a singer for example.


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