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Hi All,

Anyone using the new DP4 yet? If so, how do you like it?

Thx in advance for your replies.




anonymous Mon, 05/05/2003 - 10:49

Hi Kevin

Not yet but I have no doubt that I'm going to love it. I have 2 G4s both running OS 9.2.2. One is for graphic design (my job) and one is dedicated to music. On both computers I've been waiting for the software to be OS X ready. Unfortunately, I just spent a lot of time setting everything up just before DP4 came out so I'm going to wait until Kontakt is OS X ready and my system needs to be reinstalled before I move to OS X. I'd like to know how you like it though. I hear the Freeze function is awesome.


anonymous Fri, 06/06/2003 - 06:18

Hi Arthur,

No the G4/800 will be fine running DP4 except we will need to upgrade to OS10 in order to make the change. We are just kind of sitting back watching and waiting to see if there are any issues that will need to be resolved before making that move. As with any new computer software there is always the possiblity of problems as the past has shown us. Once we feel it is completely working to maxium performance then we will consider making that upgrade. We are still very happy with DP3 so it's kind of like the old saying goes, 'if it's not broke don't fix it' haha. Anyway, give me a call, I need to discuss something with you.


gdoubleyou Mon, 06/09/2003 - 10:20

Just helped to setup DP4 on a dual 1.2GHz.

He had MOTU hardware, it was actually to easy.

DP4 detected his 828, no sweat.
DP4 detected his USB XT Express, scanned the midi bus and found his midi equipment. It even populated the midi setup with his gear.

Had him up and running in less than an hour, it was painless. Now he's waiting on plugs. :c: