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echo i/o buzz/static w/ old teac 5 board

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Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/24/2004 - 14:55


i'm in the process of trying to interface an old teac series 5 mixing board with a new echo indigo i/o card (dell inspiron 8200 laptop, winxp).

when any outut on the board that is plugged into the i/o, a constant static/buzzing can be heard on the headphones with the volume turned up. this appears at about -60db on the echo console. also, while keeping the headphones on to type this i am also able to hear the computer cycles as the trackpad is used, applications opened, and other general computer noises.

this noise is not heard when i plug a CD or minidisc player directly into the i/o.

any thougths would be welcome. i have quite a lot on the computer and have yet to take it down to a bare bones system for audio only.

this noise also does not seem to be present when recording from the board into the minidisc or a cassette deck. i have very thin wire acting as the board's ground right now and will be upgrading that today, but am not sure that is the issue.

if anyone has any ideas, it would be amazing. please let me know if more info is needed.



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See if a friend as a small mixer you can substitute for the Tascam and see what results you get. I am using a I/O card with my Dell Laptop and find it to be a trememdous value. I have just recorded two cd's for clients with it, one solo piano with a tube mic pre and another piano with female vocals using a small Yamaha board and they were very happy with the results with Sound Forge Audio Studio. I got so tired of carrying my home computer everywhere. This will have to do until a Apogee Rosetta 200 with Firewire is in my future.

Sun, 12/26/2004 - 11:09 Permalink