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I use the fastest consumer cable ISP in the USA (therefore the world). I use the best equipment. Most sites load instantaneously, including interactive BB systems using UBB and Fusetalk.

But RO has been dog slow from day one. Time for some serious server upgrades, IMO.

Anyone else?

EDIT: Its fixed, its fast and I like it! :D

Tommy P.


knightfly Wed, 04/10/2002 - 14:30

SOS, at the risk of sounding like "you ain't seen nuthin' yet", I'm dealing with Compu-slug, who won't even put 56k crap in this area close enough to be free of "local long distance", IE5 (POS) goes narcoleptic for 30 seconds out of every minute, then RO can't get out of its own way - I think I could go dig up an old 1200 baud modem and not notice the hit... Steve

Opus2000 Fri, 04/12/2002 - 16:19

he stated them over on the ProTalk world....I think in the new City Hall forums :roll:
At least new to me...I'm in my world(no pun intended either) over here so I forget where exaclty I saw was related to the server's CPU or some gigbot thingimahoozy went awry in the FPU's and the CAS this and that :roll: