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Hi All,

I'm quite puzzled with how to judge the studio/hall acoustics, and choose the best placement for different instruments in the same space (studio/hall).

One particular problem that I can't put my finger on is when recording in a concert hall, how do I decide whether the mics are too high or too low?

Thank you in advance for all your suggestions!



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anonymous Sat, 02/26/2005 - 07:35

The quick answer: listen to your monitors!

If you're too low, the front element of your performing ensemble will be masking/overpowering the players in the rear. If so, raise the mics. (Also, if too low, you may get a lot of floor reflections that could muddy things up a bit.)

If you're too high, the reverse may be true (i.e. the rear of the ensemble may be too pronounced). Also, you may notice a change in the timbre of many instruments, esp. strings.



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