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Harcore Music "Bass Boom": how do i achieve this?

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/19/2007 - 06:14

ive been messing around with different things in adobe audition with my bands raw tracks but i cant seem to figure out how to get that real nice "bass boom" that most bands put right into the intro of their breakdowns.

if any of you know what i speak of and are knowledgeable at performing this feature could you please tell me how?




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The bass boom/basshit/bassdrop/808 you speak of is simply either an 808 bassdrum or its a tone generator. In your case with Adobe Audition go to Generate->Tone, then in the first tab type in 80Hz, then in the second tab make the result 20Hz. Mess around with the total time, usually 1 second will do the trick. Insert the tone where you want it, and vuala...but be careful you can seriously fuck up your system if you have it too loud or mix it with added bass, so leave the Track EQ alone!!!
Good luck
Check out my bass drops in the band Earth Vs. The Spider

Mon, 02/19/2007 - 07:06 Permalink
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I was just browsing the site until this issue caught my attention.

Well, first Zanejr needs to define "Bass Boom" a little more since you can regard it as a bass frequency shape that can be obtained with parametric equalizers and a multi-band compressor.

Needless to say, that a bass drum with the right tonal characteristics is necessary as a foundation.

Multoc, seems to believe that Zanejr is referring to a very low sine wave (808 kick drum made by Roland) and advises to play with a tone generator that outputs sound waves at 20 and up to 80 cycles.

Whatever the recording/mixing technique or choice of sounds you opt in here, Zanejr won't get that desired bass effect on his music until it is mastered by a professional mastering engineer.


Edward Vinatea
[[url=http://[/URL]="http://musicmasteri…"]audio cd mastering[/]="http://musicmasteri…"]audio cd mastering[/]Chief Mastering Engineer
New York City

Wed, 02/28/2007 - 15:19 Permalink
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I think anyone familiar with "hardcore" and "breakdowns" would know exactly what Zanejr is talking about. Multoc is obviously familiar with the genre and the bass drop. You certainly DO NOT need a proffesional, experienced, expensive mastering engineer to make this work. I'm sure when Zane is good and ready he'll record in a professional studio and pay someone good money to do a good job translating of all of his audio fantasies into digital. Until then, there's nothing wrong with learning and experimenting and doing it for yourself.

Wed, 02/28/2007 - 16:30 Permalink
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I found "xhardxcore bass boom" to be pretty explanatory. As multoc said, it's more of the 808 bass drop--a sine wave--than an altered kick drum.

The only true way to get this desired sound, zanejr, is to have licensed custodians clean the carpeting before your tracking sessions.

Kevin Osborn
Kellermeyer Building Services, LLC

Wed, 02/28/2007 - 16:42 Permalink
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patrick_like_static wrote: I found "xhardxcore bass boom" to be pretty explanatory. As multoc said, it's more of the 808 bass drop--a sine wave--than an altered kick drum.

The only true way to get this desired sound, zanejr, is to have licensed custodians clean the carpeting before your tracking sessions.

Kevin Osborn
Kellermeyer Building Services, LLC

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wed, 02/28/2007 - 17:48 Permalink
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Cucco, you want to have your opinion prevail? that's fine too. But you were the most clever of the bunch for making a joke.

Let's not get lost with semantics here, OK? "Bass Drop" and "Bass Boom" may not have the same meaning to the poster.

He asked: "that real nice "bass boom" that most bands put right into the intro of their breakdowns".

The word that confuses me the most is "intro". How can you "Breakdown", I assume a bass drum or whatever else, if the song has just started?

In Club music, a "Breakdown", means you lose the bass drum, and maybe the bass line too.

Was Zanejr referring to the beginning of a breakdown? Maybe, but until he comes back, we don't know for sure, do we?

This is what I meant it needs defining and again, until this poster comes back to clarify, maybe redirect the question, all of you are just blabbermouths.


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 08:23 Permalink
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Yeah a bass drop is simply this: a sine wave that begins at around 80Hz-60Hz that falls from there to around 30Hz in one second or less.....

Here's one example: the Very beginning of Good Charlottes "The Anthem" it's a very audible bass drop that isn't requiring a subwoofer to hear.

Another one is located here (you're going to have to listen to the entire song though): the song is "At The Throne of Justice" it happens at 1:06 (although I'm sure it's on every song within that page lol).

I also have it on the band Earth Vs. The Spider which I recorded. On the song "An Attempt to Save A Horse" (they occur towards the end but the song is short, it's ok, they were such a pain to record, bad tone on the guitars very hard to fix)

It's that low 808 sound that you hear in hiphop

It's also very prevalent on songs by the band Chimaira. On the song "Resurrection" it is VERY LOW but it's on the 2 beat of bar 3 once the first riff begins after the introduction.

It is something used as emphasis for a certain part of a song, when used in a live concert situation it is something you will feel in the pit of your chest, just a tool to add something extra to the music.

I would also recommend if you make it from scratch that you should add a compressor to give the thing some impact because once mastered my "home-made" ones have just disapeared, but putting a compressor (actually I include it with the bass guitar bus) and it just explodes!=) (which is what we want)

It's also pretty misunderstood apparently but there shouldn't be any hard feelings, this is what the original question was referring to.

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:03 Permalink
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music_guy wrote: Cucco, you want to have your opinion prevail? that's fine too. But you were the most clever of the bunch for making a joke.

Let's not get lost with semantics here, OK? "Bass Drop" and "Bass Boom" may not have the same meaning to the poster.

He asked: "that real nice "bass boom" that most bands put right into the intro of their breakdowns".

The word that confuses me the most is "intro". How can you "Breakdown", I assume a bass drum or whatever else, if the song has just started?

In Club music, a "Breakdown", means you lose the bass drum, and maybe the bass line too.

Was Zanejr referring to the beginning of a breakdown? Maybe, but until he comes back, we don't know for sure, do we?

This is what I meant it needs defining and again, until this poster comes back to clarify, maybe redirect the question, all of you are just blabbermouths.


A break down in "hardcore music" can be defined only as where the song slows down or goes into half time it is usually the bridge of a song or the very end. By "intro" he means the very first downbeat of the so called "breakdown"

This is the best example i could find and it's the reason I don't like this sub-genre very much "hardcore dancers"

Also this is "As I Lay Dying" the part immedietly after the guitarist flips his guitar is considered a "breakdown"

(i do like the drummer's foot speed though, thank god for pro-tools=))

This is supposed to be the ten "best" breakdowns

And here is one last example of a bassdrop in a different genre
Crossbreed "Seasons" after the hihat count "1234" on the 1 of every measure is a huge BOOM, which is the bassdrop!

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:18 Permalink
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Apologies for our being presumptuous, music_guy, but I don't think it was entirely unfounded. In response to your newest remarks:

1.) The poster [zanejr] specifically mentions a trend in hardcore music today, and I think even the casual listener can make inferences as to this sound he/she is trying to recreate. But, as you said, the operative word here is definitely infer.

2.) A "breakdown" in heavier types of music is typically understood as a usually-intrumental, sometimes-halftime, often-sparing part of the song that works much like a bridge. As multoc mentioned, this usually includes open-chord chugging from the guitars and, in faster genres, a sense of overall comparative space. And yes, as the trend determines, a "bass boom" is sometimes mixed into the beginnings of these sections today to make them more dramatic.

As in my case, I made two assumptions of the behalf of first-time posters here: that one genuinely saught help for a problem he/she addressed with [what I felt were] ample context clues, and that another was trying to drum up business.

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 10:48 Permalink
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music_guy wrote: Cucco, you want to have your opinion prevail?


I don't have an opinion on this matter. I was merely laughing at PLS's comments.

For me to have an opinion, I'd have to give a rat's ass about what the guy's talking about. I don't.

That's why I've stayed out of this topic and let others who do have (informed) opinions answer.

The answer to this guy's question has nothing to do with mastering.

Sorry. 8)


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 11:23 Permalink
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Hi Patrick,

No I don't think you are presumptuous.

But here is the entire post from zanejr . Show me where he mentioned the word "hardcore".

"ive been messing around with different things in adobe audition with my bands raw tracks but i cant seem to figure out how to get that real nice "bass boom" that most bands put right into the intro of their breakdowns.

if any of you know what i speak of and are knowledgeable at performing this feature could you please tell me how? "

Is this a clear question someone making hardcore music needs answering?
Assumptions, assumptions. So, that guy doesn't know how to lay down a bass drum on the so called breakdown?

He talks about "that real nice". Maybe that nice effect he heard on a professionally mastered record that can be sometimes, hard to obtain at the mixing stage?

Is there a chance of this is what he meant?
Forgive me, I guess I am too old to be replying these posts.

As for you Cucco, you said "A "Bass Drop" is a pretty simple concept and Multoc and PLS are pretty much right on."

I think for someone who claims that doesn't even care, you show an interest to be the authority. If I a said the mastering is relevant is because we are talking about a low frequency effect (Regardless the style of music) that will need proper compression and equalization.

The mastering person is the best one to achieve just that, which in the end, is probably what the fellow zanejr wants to achieve anyway.


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 12:15 Permalink
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I am so sorry! Patrick I missed that, ouch!
In that case I think Midwest is on the money, that low pass filter coupled with a reverb can be both a powerful and dramatic change in the music arrangement.

I would even go on to say use a multi-band compressor and and compress frequencies between 20 and 200 Hz, playing a bit with ratio, decay and the amount of gain.


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 12:32 Permalink
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Once again it's not about making the bass BASSIER it's about making a single bass hit, you know what, god damn I'm going to post an example BY ITSELF to set the record straight, jeez you guys bug me! lol

It's a sine wave that starts at 80Hz then falls to 20Hz @ 1.5 seconds. Created in 2 seconds on Adobe Audition 2.0 Tone Generater!


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 13:09 Permalink
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He, He :D :D :D

In that case Multoc this whole thread is out of topic. this is "Knowledge Forum Index » Mastering Sound"

I thought the webmaster intended this to be a place for discussion of music mastering.

Am I in the wrong discussion forum?

No wonder why I am haveing a BREAKDOWN with this discussion (ROFLOL)

BTW, i heard the bass drop, is a beauty and peaks at 86Hz with a long decay, Thanks for the example.

See ya


Thu, 03/01/2007 - 13:41 Permalink
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music_guy wrote:
What's wrong with you? No one still knows what that guy really meant.

I'm just saying, I believe most of the people who replied to zanejr replied because they DID know what he meant, and cut him off a slice of good advice within the first few posts. I have a feeling you've never heard As I Lay Crying, nor will you get my sarcasm.

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 16:51 Permalink
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music_guy wrote: He, He :D :D :D

In that case Multoc this whole thread is out of topic. this is "Knowledge Forum Index » Mastering Sound"

I thought the webmaster intended this to be a place for discussion of music mastering.

Am I in the wrong discussion forum?

No wonder why I am haveing a BREAKDOWN with this discussion (ROFLOL)

BTW, i heard the bass drop, is a beauty and peaks at 86Hz with a long decay, Thanks for the example.

See ya


Well the kid obviously just put the question wherever he thought it should go but since it obviously has nothing to do with master(bat)ing, you gotta cut him some slack and just answer the question in accordance to what he meant rather than trying to make it work in the mastering world.

As far as 86Hz goes, I can't say all I know is that I entered 80Hz as the initial tone, and put 20Hz as the final tone, and yeah but regardless my "basshit/bassdrop/bassboom" is what the original question was in reference to.

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 17:19 Permalink
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music_guy wrote: As for you Cucco, you said "A "Bass Drop" is a pretty simple concept and Multoc and PLS are pretty much right on."

I think for someone who claims that doesn't even care, you show an interest to be the authority.



All I did was laugh at PatricklikeStatic's sarcasm...

I like sarcasm. :roll:

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 17:48 Permalink
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music_guy wrote:
Whatever the recording/mixing technique or choice of sounds you opt in here, Zanejr won't get that desired bass effect on his music until it is mastered by a professional mastering engineer.

Any questions?

Edward Vinatea
Chief Mastering Engineer
New York City

I have a question...Fishing for mastering work? Fishy! Maybe trolling? ANDY

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 19:54 Permalink
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Multoc, It's fine, the kid was looking for answers and he dumped it anywhere and didn't even bother to come back to read. I am cool with that.

I didn't see on the title "hardcore" and that really threw me off.

As far as 86 Hz on your bass drop, I used a spectrum analyzer that has 30 frequency bands and one of them is fixed at 86Hz. If you use one too, you'll notice that the frequencies go up to about 500Hz but with much lower magnitude.

So, even though you dialed 80Hz to 20Hz, it's not coming out as a hard shell cut off shape. That's a good thing.


I have a question...Fishing for mastering work? Fishy! Maybe trolling? ANDY

In answering your question, NO.

This would be the worst way to promote my services. Many musicians can't afford me, so it would be a real waste of my time trying to get jobs this way.

Just because I showed my credentials, It doesn't mean that I want a job from you or anyone. Got it?

I thought I was on a MASTERING FORUM, and even though I had good fun with the other members and I was able to get a lot out of the discussion, there is always a party pooper with cynical remarks like yours.

Thu, 03/01/2007 - 21:09 Permalink