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had a client come in while you're mixing and want what you've got there, even though it's not even close to done?

This happened the other day. I had just come up with a rough mix and was working on it, and the vocalist comes in and says "That's great! burn it!" I tried explaining to him that it wasn't done, and would only get better, but that's what he wanted.

Normally I wouldn't mind, but honestly it wasn't something I wanted my name on yet. It wasn't a lo-fi kind of bad, it just hadn't been balanced well, no eq had been done, stuff was conflicting musically, heck I hadn't even done any volume fades or anything.

I worked on the mix on my own time, and they heard it, but said it sounded too "polished". This wasn't artsy stuff either, just straightforward rock.

So, anyone else ever have this situation? I mean, I want to please the client and all, but at the same time I'm trying to build a reputation here.


Guest Mon, 04/25/2005 - 17:14

That's a tuff one. I totally agree with you McCheese. But then again I have worked with guys who dont want to be "polished" sounding.
Me, I love polish!
But, If they love it just like it is, and you think it sucks or could be WAY better. Their still gonna tell everybody your the best. Sometimes it's hard not to say what you really think. Or better yet, feel is in the best interest for everyone involved.
Some dudes are just.......well, too hard to please or to easy to please. My 2 cents

KurtFoster Mon, 04/25/2005 - 17:24

In other words, clients can be morons.. of course they don't want you to edit out the clams and conflicting parts ... after all if they didn't think they sounded good, they wouldn't have played them in the first place. But in reality, clients are usually too attached to the performances to mix the song correctly. This is something you need to learn to deal with in a diplomatic way or live with.

I say follow your heart and trust your gut feelings.

If it's not somthing you don't want your name on, what's the difference if it becomes a hit (not likely) or not?

There's lots of stuff out that's a hit, I wouldn't want my name on ... like anything from "Outkast", regardless if it's a smash or not!

That's not to say I would turn my nose up at the cash that came my way if I was responsible for that stuff. While I might not want my name on the record, I would love it on the check!

It's like riding a Honda motorcycle, ... it feels good but you don't want your friends to see you do it.

KurtFoster Mon, 04/25/2005 - 18:59

Well I don't want to take it off topic, so I'll reserve futher commentary on "Outkast" for another thread.

It suffices to say I don't like them but everyone has their own tastes and preferences. As you point out (and I already have said) I wouldn't mind the points. I would just hide my face on my way to the bank.

therecordingart Mon, 04/25/2005 - 20:18

Why haven't I posted this topic yet? It seems like every band I get thinks the rough mix is the cat's ass and tells me to stop mixing. Of course I polish it a bit on my own time, but I still don't think I've ever finished mixing one song that I've recorded. Once I can get it tolerable I end up putting off finishing it and then start recording another band. Bad habit of mine, but the bands were happy with the rough mix, I give them a new mix that I don't mind having my name on, and everyone is happy. would be kinda nice to finish something though!

anonymous Tue, 04/26/2005 - 05:01

The thing I do with bands (if they have the timeframe and are really serious about what they are doing) is tell them that after tracking is finished that I will need to work on a rough mix alone for approximately 2-4 weeks and that I will keep in touch with them until a "rough" mix is done. 90% of the time they ask why and I tell them that it really takes a certain mood and level of concentration to give them the best they can get; after all THEY are paying me. (This is a really good way to tell the real bands from the jam bands.) I usually bring them a mix that's 85-95% complete with the other 5-15% absolutely requiring their opinions and feelings. This has worked well for me. However, I do get the occasional (okay, more like 1 in 5) "artist" that thinks Rome was built in a day and that a completed mix (ready for mastering if they so choose) can be finished 1-hour after tracking. (I had one tell me he would be back in an hour to pick up the final mix and I said "this ain't walgreen's" - I still wonder how he took that one.)

But hey, the customer's always right (in theory), so it kinda sucks when they decide they want to settle for Wall's when they can at least get a minimum of JC Penney.

(btw, Wall's is a discount store that's cheaper than Ross which is cheaper than Wal-mart for those of you who don't know what I am talking about)

Davedog Tue, 04/26/2005 - 09:28

I've never found patience to be an attribute of a rock band.Especially one whos laying out some hard-earned coin for a demo.Theres the predisposed theory they all seem to have about how its supposed to sound as opposed to how to GET those sounds.Most have been banging out their tunes in a garage-like atmosphere or a rehearsal space that has no sound control to speak of, and in hearing even the playback its going to sound 300% better simply because of the levels and the clarity they've not experienced to that point.To them, it is a done deal and where theres a slim budget,its hard to not want this product thats already better to their ears RIGHT NOW. When I was recording A LOT of these kind of projects(did I mention a LOT of em??),I could usually stem the impatience by providing an individual cassette(CD nowadays)taken from the headphone playback mix and let them sleep on it for a week.By that time, they usually had calmed down a bit(if they were really serious),I would have gotten a beginning handle on where the mix could be going and they would be ready to get down to the serious part of mixing the project.And I would have the basics already guitars...key pads if any...a couple of tricks on the voice as far as that the beginnings of the mix process would usually go quite smoothly.Until the guitarists want everything louder than everything else.But then thats another issue alltogether.


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