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I am using a Ibanez bass and a Zoom B2.1u Pedal.

I have recorded in the past using output (headphones) which I direct to Microphone in on the computers soundcard. After recording, I use VSTs (Auto-Tune, AmpegSVX, GuitarRig, etc) to fine tune the sound.

However, the B2.1u pedal has a USB out and I want to record using this ouput so that the sound can be stored as MIDI data rather than Headphone output (WAV). I hear the quality would be much better and would require less fine tuning.

I have tried Cubase LE, but I have not been able to record.

The ASIO driver loads up, but I cannot monitor the sound. If I output the sound thru headphones, I can hear it but I can't figure out how to record through the USB.

I use Sony Acid for recording and laying out tracks. I want to know how to record my instrument through the USB connection in Sony Acid.

I have set the recording device in sound properties (Control Panel), but I still can not pick up the sound in Acid.

Is recording through the USB the way to go?

Can anyone help me figure out how to record via USB through Sony Acid?



Kapt.Krunch Wed, 01/09/2008 - 05:52

miSta wrote: I am using a Ibanez bass and a Zoom B2.1u Pedal.

I have recorded in the past using output (headphones) which I direct to Microphone in on the computers soundcard. After recording, I use VSTs (Auto-Tune, AmpegSVX, GuitarRig, etc) to fine tune the sound.

However, the B2.1u pedal has a USB out and I want to record using this ouput so that the sound can be stored as MIDI data rather than Headphone output (WAV). I hear the quality would be much better and would require less fine tuning.

Not enuff info, Mista.

I CAN tell you that if you were indeed going out the headphones of the Zoom to the "Mic" input of an onboard soundcard, it probably sounded pretty bad. You should be sure that it is going through a "Line In" level input. The Zoom states that it is a phones/ouput jack, so some level adjustment may need to be performed.

Also, it will definitely NOT be stored as MIDI data, it will still be wav. Audio doesn't record as MIDI.

Manual states that you need XP (if you are running a PC). Do you have at least XP, and is it updated? Are you sure you have at least USB 2.0 installed? Probably, but worth a check. Manual says it should show up as an audio interface with no special drivers. If it isn't, you need to upgrade SOMEthing.

You'll need to match the sampling frequency. Just go with 44.1 for now, which should be pretty much a default for most DAWS. Double-check both, anyway.

You'll have to set the track properties for that track in Cubase or ACID, or whatever, to refer to that as an input, and may even have to enable "Record" to hear it. The track property output should be your soundcard.

I think it's probably a case of not having your track properties set to point to that as an input, or your card as an output. If it shows up in your choices of inputs, it should work.

Give all that a try.


hueseph Wed, 01/09/2008 - 08:24

The ASIO driver loads up, but I cannot monitor the sound. If I output the sound thru headphones, I can hear it but I can't figure out how to record through the USB.

There. You've answered your own question. When you use your pedal as an interface, it becomes your soundcard. You need to plug your speakers into that. Into the headphone output if need be.

You can't have two sound cards active in your DAW unless they were designed to do so using the same ASIO driver. Don't worry, you'll be able to hear system sounds through the Zoom.

Kapt.Krunch Thu, 01/10/2008 - 06:00

D'oh! :oops: See what happens when I assume!

I even had the manual opened, and it didn't even occur to me that the "pedal" was an "interface" that would feed back through it.

So, he could monitor the rest of his tracks through that while he's playing, if he sets them to that as an output? I assume?

And if he wants, he could then hook the speakers to the computer to hear tham all through that, by routing them all, then, through the onboard sound? May be better going through the Zoom?

Anyway, "pedal" threw me, as far as thinking it was only an input device...much like a POD 2.0 or a regular old stomp box.

Good luck,


anonymous Wed, 01/16/2008 - 00:34

I appreciate your responses.

I am now going Pedal (OUTPUT) -> PC (Line In).

I am still a little confused though. I can hear the output, but thats because I have the output from the pedal going to the speakers, even though the speakers are attached to the PC.

If I mute the Line In (from where the PC is receiving signal from the pedal) the audio will not be heard.

Where do I mute/unmute the playback sound from the Pedals USB? I do understand their are more latency issues when it comes to playback from the USB, but I want to do this step by step:

1) Hear Audio from bass by means of USB. That way I can set the recording options up and all that. But I want to hear the output via USB through the computer speakers.

2) After USB settings all done, enable a 'monitor' by means of Output on the pedal going to an external speaker or Line In via PC.

The ASIO driver loads automatically. I do have XP and it seems to load up just fine. If I can listen to the audio using the USB only, I can be sure that the recording will go through via usb.

But if I use a monitor, the only way I can record is setting record properties to Line In, or Mic, or "What U Hear".. which brings me back to square 1.

Having said that, are there any benefits to recording by means of USB? As opposed to Line in? When I go thru Line In I have no distorted sounds, it mutes just fine, no 'air' or anything.
Is there an audible difference between recording through USB and Line In?

hueseph Wed, 01/16/2008 - 08:22

OK. Now you are defeating the purpose of having a USB device in the first place.

Go buy yourself a 1/4" to 1/8" stereo adapter. Plug that into the output of your Zoom and your speakers into that. Forget about your computers soundcard. Now in your systems audio properties set your default playback/recording device to your Zoom.

Now in Cubase system preferrences, set your ASIO device to Zoom ASIO or whatever they are calling it. Make sure you enable those inputs and that should be it.

Benefits of using USB over your soundcards input: you go from your guitars analog signal to your zooms A/D converters directly to your computer digitally. You avoid the soundcard altogether.

anonymous Thu, 01/17/2008 - 15:04

Very good information. Thank you for being clear in your response.

Cubase is looking to be a little complex for me. Is there anyway to set the recording device through windows sndvol32.exe?

The ASIO does show up in the drop down list under 'Mixer Device'. Is it possible to set it there? If so, I could use any recording software to record.

Or does it have to be a program like Cubase to set the ASIO device?

hueseph Thu, 01/17/2008 - 15:36

The setup I described should work for Acid too. Really though you should try to familiarize yourself with Cubase. It's a good program and should allow you to get some great results. There should be a pdf manual on the install cd. Take a read through it. There are lots of diagrams that should get you through.

As far as monitoring through your comps sound card....why? Would you cook in a stainless steel pot and eat from a toilet bowl? There is no logic there. If you must, buy a separate monitor system for your Zoom. That would make more sense.


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