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Hi folks,

I would love feedback on my bands EP that I recorded and mixed in my spare bedroom! We're from Dublin, Ireland and the music is a sort of pop / rock / acoustic thingy.


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anonymous Thu, 03/28/2002 - 00:09


The TC Gold Channel provides pro quality pre-amps (for mics) and pro quality AD and DA conversion, which are the two areas where the Digi001 can suffer and deliver a brittle sound. I am most certainly not a pro and I only have my Digi001 for around 1 and a half years and what you heard was my first real part-time project (hobby!), BUT I can hear a real difference between the Gold Channel and the Digi001.

There are other less expensive options out there too...

presonus digimax

Do a search, it's often discussed here and in the DUC.

Simon :)


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