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The bass guitar in this song: [=""]YouTube - the animals - inside looking out[/]="…"]YouTube - the animals - inside looking out[/]
"It's My Life" - The Animals

The lead vocals in this song: [[url=http://="…"]YouTube - John Lennon - Instant Karma![/]="…"]YouTube - John Lennon - Instant Karma![/]
"Instand Karma" - John Lennon

What what into general eq, fx, and production of these tones? Thanks!


Davedog Wed, 06/02/2010 - 17:28

Chas Chandler was the bassist on the early Animals recordings. He was also the guy who 'discovered' Jimi Hendrix. He played hollow bodied basses for the most part, usually a Guild although I have seen images of him with an Epiphone hollow body. He played with a pick and from the videos I've seen he picked over the bridge pickup. This will certainly give that bass sound and rolling off the extreme low-end will help.

John Lennon NEVER recorded a vocal track after 1965 where he wasnt using the ADT developed by Abbey Road engineers. ADT= artificial double track. On Instant Karma you can hear this as well as a tight short slap-back echo, probably tape based. Thats more than likely an old Neumann U47 and its all on tape, so theres that bit of compression. If it was a demo track done by John at his house, I think he had an old Neve in there....I could be wrong.

One thing about emulating classic sounds is being that artist makes a world of difference. I dont think theres much to either of these sounds but they artists themselves are what makes it distinctly theirs.

mrmelody Wed, 06/02/2010 - 20:25

Very neat info Dave :redface:
I know you've been in this game for a few 'days'. Would love to hear how you might know some of what you've posted.
By the way....
Absoloutely right.....You can have all the mics, mic techniques, and instruments....but timbre of the artist and his or her instrument really play a big part.

Davedog Wed, 06/02/2010 - 23:07

mrmelody, post: 349195 wrote: Very neat info Dave :redface:
I know you've been in this game for a few 'days'. Would love to hear how you might know some of what you've posted.
By the way....
Absoloutely right.....You can have all the mics, mic techniques, and instruments....but timbre of the artist and his or her instrument really play a big part.

Yep. Old.

I'm a bass player and have been since the dawn of time. Played a lot of those songs. Studied what made them that way from the beginning. Must be why I'm a producer kinda guy....

The Lennon part is easy. I have a great big collection of books on the Beatles and their recordings.

Study study study.

boxcar Thu, 06/03/2010 - 07:32

do you know how that ADT worked.
was it some sort of vocal doubler or a tape based effect slightly delaying a second set of vocals so it sounded thicker.
im always curious about the workings of the toys they came up with back then and Abby Road certainly had lot of unique boxes.
i remember thinking, what is on those vocals on double fantacy when it came out.

moonbaby Thu, 06/03/2010 - 08:49

Sorry to interrupt, but to reinforce DD's comments, I recall an interview with Geoff Emmerick (Beatles' and Apple engineer) in MIX a few years ago who spoke specifically of the delays used on Lennon's vocals. He aid that they used a Studer 2-track (A37?) and set the heads up in such a way that that the delay time was minimized to do the ADT effects. He said that engineers would ask him how he got the tape to go so fast without burning up the tape or the motors...he would just smile. I need to dig up that article...:)

Davedog Thu, 06/03/2010 - 18:37

I'll look up the explanation of the ADT in the book. I think it has a fairly complete description and I'll post when I have a moment.

Yes, its completely eye-opening when you learn of the many many mystery boxes built by the engineers at EMI to satify the Beatles curiosity. A lot of that stuff is commonplace now, but at the time was completely mindblowing and new.

And most of these 'toys' were housed in innocuous plain green-grey boxes as authorized by the EMI management. Most with a simple label stuck on em and a LOT were simply one-offs that were only picked up later in time.


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