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OK, I'm sure this must be simple, but I don't know how to do this. I am running Cubase SX and I also use Finale alot. What I want to be able to do is use Finale and write parts there for marimba and have it play back with marimba sounds that I have recorded myself. Basically, I want to be able to record each individual note of my own marimba and somehow replace the computers marimba notes with my own. I am using the cheezy GM midi driver that came with my computer-nothing special. How do I do this?
Thanks VERY much!



anonymous Mon, 05/10/2004 - 09:18

What would be a good software samper for this purpose? I guess I am hoping to be able to just record each note as a wav file and somehow replace each midi note that is stored in the computer with one of my own.

I do have access to some software samplers, I just need to know one that will work for this purpose.



dabmeister music Mon, 05/10/2004 - 11:37

Thanks dm, I'm still old school (using hardware samplers), but I've done a little research the past year and have seen the Mach 5 which a friend of mine uses, in action and have concluded that I better get with the program. I have an interest in the Mach 5 as well as the Halion and a few others. The reason I have'nt gone the software route is because I have 4 other hardware samplers that I barely use now and have done an excellent job on whatever I shove at them. But on the other hand, I can imagine having everything in-house and being able to import/export right from the host. Cool...

anonymous Mon, 05/10/2004 - 16:51

I'm in the process of downloading Sample Tank. I like that idea as my main computer is running Pro Tools with Sample Tank and Reason, and I can have this free version on the computer with Finale so hopefully the'll work together easier. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.
Thanks again!