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just wondering how you guys get equipment for review. i'm just a small personal project studio and i'm thinking my only option is to go out and buy each unit i'm thinking about (making sure wherever I buy from has a good return policy) and returning what I don't like. ideally, i'd like to get 2 or 3 mic preamp's for example (for a couple days) and compare them, but i don't have the money to buy 2 or 3 units at once.

what does everyone else do? do you guys have 'contacts' with local distributors, retailers?

- neil

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anonymous Wed, 11/21/2001 - 06:09

A generous return policy and a good credit card will do. Charge up three pre's, and return two before you're billed.


anonymous Wed, 11/21/2001 - 08:13

Build a relationship with a local Pro Audio Dealer. A lot of dealers have demo gear that you can try out for a week at no charge, and then you can pick the piece that you like the best. On occasion they might even sell you the piece at a discount.



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